Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Big Promotion
So I got a big promotion at the part time job. Cashier manager. Oh yeah baby! The power may go to my head.
So what does this mean? This means that now I have some room to tell customers EXACTLY what I think i.e. customer comes into the store at 10 after 9. Store closes at 9. Tell customer "Im sorry ma'm we are closed," "customer says "what are you going to do ...kick me out?". NOW I can say, YES, YES I AM! GET THE HELL OUT!!!
Oh the power....
So what does this mean? This means that now I have some room to tell customers EXACTLY what I think i.e. customer comes into the store at 10 after 9. Store closes at 9. Tell customer "Im sorry ma'm we are closed," "customer says "what are you going to do ...kick me out?". NOW I can say, YES, YES I AM! GET THE HELL OUT!!!
Oh the power....
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Deep Thoughts by MEC

I received a call yesterday from a co-worker asking if "everything was okay" as I had been "awfully quiet lately." After responding that "everything was fine" I realized that I HAD been awfully quiet lately. This wasnt due to an unusually heavy work load or any deep crisis. No. My epiphany was that I periodically had these quiet stages - lasting a few days in length - where I tend to clam up, communicate little with those around me and, one could say, hibernate.
This led me to further self examination. Was I depressed and just didnt realize it? Was it a surge of work ethic (ha ha!). I realized that every couple of months, and most notably after some kind of change, I go through these stages where I slow down, become more quiet, and just absorb all that has happened in life. Who am I (MEC!), where am I (not just in Renfrew!) and where am I going (to work? the gym? Toronto?).
I think I am emerging out of my quiet contemplative days now. Oprah would be proud.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Random thoughts...by Meaghan Campbell
Why, when you have a cold, and you are trying to fall asleep does your nose drip but seemingly stops when you are asleep?
Why do antibiotics leave a funny taste in my mouth - literally?
I went through my CD collection today. Discoverd some oldies but some goodies. Most exciting of all, a CD I bought in Colombia in 1999! Happy Days!
The leaves have turned colours...and somehow I missed when that happened. Sadness.
Random photos from the past few months.
Monday, September 17, 2007
How I love my Neti Pot!
Allergies? Check. Head cold? Check.
If you have these problems GET THE NETI POT. Will change your life.
Here is me enjoying mine...
If you have these problems GET THE NETI POT. Will change your life.
Here is me enjoying mine...
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Ode to an Office Cat
Office cat
Office cat
Oh my gawd
You are such a brat.
Office cat, Office cat
Does whatever an office cat can
Sticks his nose in my coffee cup
Then looks at me and says whas’ up?
Look out! Here comes the Office cat.
Is he fat? Listen bud-
When he jumps on the floor, he lands with a thud.
Can he squeeze into a tiny space?
Take a look behind my laptop beside the mace,
Hey there! There goes the office cat.
In the chill of the a.m., right after the night,
At the smell of coffee,
Like a streak of light,
He arrives just in time! (so it doesn’t rhyme)
Office cat, office cat
Friendly office, office cat,
Promotions and pay he’s ignored
Sleeping on my desk is his reward.
To him
Life is a big nap fest
Where ever there is a warm spot he is a pest,
And you will see Office Cat!
Office cat
Oh my gawd
You are such a brat.
Office cat, Office cat
Does whatever an office cat can
Sticks his nose in my coffee cup
Then looks at me and says whas’ up?
Look out! Here comes the Office cat.
Is he fat? Listen bud-
When he jumps on the floor, he lands with a thud.
Can he squeeze into a tiny space?
Take a look behind my laptop beside the mace,
Hey there! There goes the office cat.
In the chill of the a.m., right after the night,
At the smell of coffee,
Like a streak of light,
He arrives just in time! (so it doesn’t rhyme)
Office cat, office cat
Friendly office, office cat,
Promotions and pay he’s ignored
Sleeping on my desk is his reward.
To him
Life is a big nap fest
Where ever there is a warm spot he is a pest,
And you will see Office Cat!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Self Improvement Continues...
Now that I have my skin under control (yay dermatologist man!) I have decided to attack the nails. Or rather, to stop attacking the nails. For those who know me well - they know I have a twenty + year history of chewing, ripping off, peeling the skin of my poor nails. I do it when Im bored, when Im tired, when Im stressed, when Im emotional....whenever! It must stop.
So dermatologist man gave me a prescription (ear drops...but apparently they work) and said find something else to do instead of attacking your nails. Rigggggggghhhhhhhhhhhht.
I considered twirling my hair - but realized that I would look very stupid in any professional context. Considered chewing on the inside of my mouth, then realized this could lead to mouth infections. Considered taking my 3 year old nieces lead and pinching the skin on the back of my hand - but she is 3 so maybe not. Also considered chewing gum....but that is just rude! So I have decided to take a deep breath and stop everytime I feel the urge to start.
Day one is gone and it was hard. But I did it. They say it takes 30 days of doing something before it becomes a habit...so only 29 days to go.
Now Im going to put piglet here...just 'cause he is cute. Not because he has anything to do with nails..:)

So dermatologist man gave me a prescription (ear drops...but apparently they work) and said find something else to do instead of attacking your nails. Rigggggggghhhhhhhhhhhht.
I considered twirling my hair - but realized that I would look very stupid in any professional context. Considered chewing on the inside of my mouth, then realized this could lead to mouth infections. Considered taking my 3 year old nieces lead and pinching the skin on the back of my hand - but she is 3 so maybe not. Also considered chewing gum....but that is just rude! So I have decided to take a deep breath and stop everytime I feel the urge to start.
Day one is gone and it was hard. But I did it. They say it takes 30 days of doing something before it becomes a habit...so only 29 days to go.
Now Im going to put piglet here...just 'cause he is cute. Not because he has anything to do with nails..:)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

This is not pretty. Nope, its pretty darn ugly as a matter of fact...but you HAVE been warned.
So I FINALLY...after 4 years of searching, begging doctors and estheticians for answers...know what those weird bumps on my face are. Previous diagnosis have included acne (nope) and rosacea (nope). Turns out it is enlarged oil glands on my face. The nice doctor took a magic wand and zapped me and promised that within a few weeks, when the scabs went away ;), I would have smooth skin.
So for fun and for, of course, Karen's amusement we took pictures! Now, the picture doesnt do it justice, much more glaringly obvious in person, but what can you do. Note that the squinty eyes and shiny skin are due to working out. Sexy I know.
I will post pictures of future, hopefully flawless skin, later...
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Late Summer Slump
Its August and my motivation to do work is....well, nill. So Im blogging. Though I am sorely lacking in inspiration as to what to put here as well. Sometimes I just wish my computer would explode...

The good news is that Rob and I are off to the Niagara on the Lake wine growing district this weekend. So I can make a sincere attempt at being an alcoholic.

The good news is that Rob and I are off to the Niagara on the Lake wine growing district this weekend. So I can make a sincere attempt at being an alcoholic.
Monday, June 25, 2007
I am 31!
I am 31 and Im not afraid to admit it. Thats right, I have been on this earth for 11 315 days. 11 585 if you include 'in utero' time.
And now that I have passed the thirty year mark, my body is falling apart. Sigh. The knees hurt, the ankles hurt, the wrists hurt, the back hurts and lets not even start with the headaches! And to add to the misery, I have to dye my hair because if I dont, I will have the oh so sexy 'salt and pepper' look.
Its not fair. Just when I get my brain in order, the body rebels. And so...I whine......
Luckily they created a website for people like me: www.gettingolderstinks.com
And now that I have passed the thirty year mark, my body is falling apart. Sigh. The knees hurt, the ankles hurt, the wrists hurt, the back hurts and lets not even start with the headaches! And to add to the misery, I have to dye my hair because if I dont, I will have the oh so sexy 'salt and pepper' look.
Its not fair. Just when I get my brain in order, the body rebels. And so...I whine......
Luckily they created a website for people like me: www.gettingolderstinks.com
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Haircuts: To Go Cheap or Not?
Rob and I continue to have the same fight. To go cheap on the hair cut or not.
Rob -Pays about $7.50 at a walk in place. Result: A buzz cut that makes him look like he works at Petawawa. He doesnt and its hideous.

Meg - Pays about $70. Result: Walks out looking DE-LICOUS!!!
But, admittedly, the last time I got a hair cut, I thought I would try the Rob approach and went to a local salon. In Renfrew. In the Ottawa Valley. THE VALLEY! Anyone see my mistake yet?
Off I went to meet my hairstylist who asked how "you'se guys were doin?" And for exactly $18 I got a haircut. With teasing. I have thick hair. You can imagine.

So I go back to the $70 haircut with Frank who is not gay and not chatty but does offer me coffee as I watch Pamela Wallin get her hair blow dryed....
Rob -Pays about $7.50 at a walk in place. Result: A buzz cut that makes him look like he works at Petawawa. He doesnt and its hideous.

Meg - Pays about $70. Result: Walks out looking DE-LICOUS!!!
But, admittedly, the last time I got a hair cut, I thought I would try the Rob approach and went to a local salon. In Renfrew. In the Ottawa Valley. THE VALLEY! Anyone see my mistake yet?
Off I went to meet my hairstylist who asked how "you'se guys were doin?" And for exactly $18 I got a haircut. With teasing. I have thick hair. You can imagine.

So I go back to the $70 haircut with Frank who is not gay and not chatty but does offer me coffee as I watch Pamela Wallin get her hair blow dryed....

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Charlotte and Jake sitting in a tree....
Rob and I decided to be brave and take care of dear Charlotte, the very active 2 1/2 year old niece, for an ENTIRE weekend. Brave or stupid, you decide.
We survived. Thanks to the pets. The pets are minus a bit of fur but they should get over the trauma soon. Although I was informed that Charlotte "didnt like Nilla...that much" despite hugging and kissing the poor dog all day.
As you can see, Nilla is no longer wanting love and is hiding in her crate. FAR and DEEP into her crate.

We survived. Thanks to the pets. The pets are minus a bit of fur but they should get over the trauma soon. Although I was informed that Charlotte "didnt like Nilla...that much" despite hugging and kissing the poor dog all day.
As you can see, Nilla is no longer wanting love and is hiding in her crate. FAR and DEEP into her crate.
Jake on the other hand was feeling the love a lot more and enjoyed his napping companion...
On the other hand, Rob just gave up and hoped for a moments peace to eat his sandwhich....
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Yes, spring has sprung. Which means it was time to deal with Brandy's fur matts. This wonderful kitty had managed to get matts all over her belly and sides. One was so big it started just behind her front leg and extended all the way down her side to her butt! And was at least two inches wide!
There was nothing we could do - oh sure there is prevention. But we are lazy. So........we had to shave her. Rob wanted to shave her from the neck down. I said no. This cat cannot be laughed at by the other neighbourhood cats....she must have a mohawk. I won.
The process took a week. We would start, Brandy would be fine. Then she would squirm. Then she would howl. We kindly let her go and would start all over again the next day.
Below you will see the before and after. Brandy to Frankenbrandy. I maintain she still looks cool with a mohawk. Skinny, but cool.

There was nothing we could do - oh sure there is prevention. But we are lazy. So........we had to shave her. Rob wanted to shave her from the neck down. I said no. This cat cannot be laughed at by the other neighbourhood cats....she must have a mohawk. I won.
The process took a week. We would start, Brandy would be fine. Then she would squirm. Then she would howl. We kindly let her go and would start all over again the next day.
Below you will see the before and after. Brandy to Frankenbrandy. I maintain she still looks cool with a mohawk. Skinny, but cool.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
When did I grow up?

Its official. I seem to have grown up. There have been some tell-tale signs that are simply impossible to ignore any further. I will itemize:
1. When I meet new people they ask if I have children.
2. I am seriously excited about my new kitchen table.
3. I email people for recipes.
4. I wear sensible shoes.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
I want a Matzoball!!!

Rob and I have fallen in love. No, not with each other. With the English bulldog. Thanks to an Adam Sandler clip (http://www.adamsandler.com/index.php?section=matzomeat) on late night tv, we now want one of these drooling, wrinkled, wheezy, snorting, farting animals.
And why not? We only have two cats and a lab. Four animals is the legal limit in this town! One more to go baaaaaaaaaaaby!
Slight problem, the puppies cost about $1500.
So, our love remains unsatisfied for now.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
How to get a pill down Jake's throat...
Step 1: Using your 'nice' voice, call him over. Con him into thinking food is involved.
Step 2: Pick him up and put in your lap, ensure that the pill is easy access.
Step 3: Clutch his head in your hand and pry open his jaw. Use soothing voice.
Step 4: Elbow Nilla out of the way.
Step 5: Pop pill into mouth, shut, blow up his nose.
Step 6: Elbow Nilla out of the way.
Step 7: Take pill from side of cats mouth - repeat step 3.
Step 8: Tell Nilla to get the heck away before you kick her lab butt.
Step 9: Repeat step 5.
Step 10: Pat Jake on head and release. Feed him treats. Repeat steps #4, 6 and 8.
Monday, March 19, 2007

The run wasnt actually that bad. I think it was due to my handy dandy new puffer that I actually finished in a reasonable time. Reasonable. Hah! I almost beat my best time EVER BAAABYYYYY!!! Yeah, okay, Im proud.
But here is where the lying part comes in. Running Room always *claims* to have the results up on their website. Sometimes even photos. Well. It is now (checking calendar) two days post race and.....nada. Nothing. Zip. Liars! I guess when you hold the information you hold the power?
Dont believe me? Check it our for yourself - http://www.events.runningroom.com/site/?raceId=2661
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Ever work with a blowhard? I do. Boy do I ever!!! This man is so full of his own opinions that I could scream. Since Im on a conference call with him as I speak, I cant, but I will via this blog...
So far I have heard his indisputable opinions on Ministers of Defence wearing uniforms, prayer meetings, Zimbabwe and why he should be treated like god.
More like a demon...
Friday, March 9, 2007

Yep. Lost my mind and put the man and I on a detox diet for the week. No meat, no wheat, no dairy, no refined sugar. Made an exception for the half caf-half decaf coffee though. No need to lose our minds here!
So how do we feel? In sum. Gassy.
Im only half kidding. You subsist on a diet of chick peas and tofu for a week and see what your intestines have to say! But once that passed - scuse the pun - I felt much less bloated and much less lethargic. In sum - I felt like the woman I never was!
So I will keep it up during the work week me thinks, and see how it goes. Cows can now be safe from me!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
I am a failure...
Is there such a thing as lunch time supervisor rehab? If so, I need to go!
The kids are increasingly turning a deaf ear and blind eye to me. Sigh. One on one, they listen and we are kosher. As a class - foregetabouit!
Things I have tried to date and their results:
- Yelling. Result: Sore throat.
- Public Shaming (i.e. putting list on board of students mis behaving for teacher to follow up on). Result: Long lists.
- Three strikes - then you go in the hallway. Result: Kids in hallway looking bored. No effect on kids in classroom.
- Threat of detention. Result: Not much 'cause I have to be outside. Which means finding a teacher to do detention. And they are all on lunch.
- Look threatening. Theory goes that if you stand quietly they will begin to notice and settle down 'cause they know they are in trouble. Result: I stand quietly looking like a dorkus while kids act like heathens.
Thus, I am a lunchtime supervisor failure.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
I want a Stewie....
Friday, February 23, 2007
As Karen posted on her blog....fiancé Chris is bruise-able. And I quote "sure, he might be telling the world that it's a touch football injury, but really, he just doesn't listen. ;)"
I would point out that he aint got nuttin' on my bruising abilities. Check out the bruise on my butt from falling down the stairs - truly a beautiful thing...
Monday, February 12, 2007
Hair cut countdown ends...
Lessons learned from Saturday excursion:
1. Dont take Body AAAAAAAAAAttack unless hyped up on crack cocaine. The horror! The horror!
2. Dont book a haircut for downtown Ottawa when Winterlude is on. Sunday drivers galore.
3. Be very descriptive when asking for the 'power" look. Otherwise you may end up like this....

Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Countdown to a Haircut
Since I switched jobs - I havent been paid in over a month. This has translated into not having my hair cut in two months. Which translates into one shaggy looking MEC.
Good news is that the "pay check is in the mail" - or so they claim.
Haircut is a mere week or so away. Any thoughts on hair styles?
A review of the past...
The angry bob with bangs...
The freaky faced bob without bangs...

Friday, February 2, 2007
Pretty Winter Picture!
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Planning a wedding
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
So Im at my sister's high school - helped her to mark some high school exams. Dont worry - I just did the multiple choice. Needless to say - them kids need some edukatin!!
And my back hurts.
Mental note - never break one's back and compound it with bad posture.
And my back hurts.
Mental note - never break one's back and compound it with bad posture.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Renfrew on the weekend
Renfrew on the weekend is as exciting as you can imagine. So I went to Ottawa. And played in Ikea (gotta love Ikea). One of these days I will be mature enough to buy furniture in a real furniture store like Lazy-boy. But for now, Ikea is my friend.
Entertainment in the 'frew on Sunday - watching the cat sit on the dog.....and going to the gym...
And for those who wondered...
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