Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Haircuts: To Go Cheap or Not?

Rob and I continue to have the same fight. To go cheap on the hair cut or not.

Rob -Pays about $7.50 at a walk in place. Result: A buzz cut that makes him look like he works at Petawawa. He doesnt and its hideous.

Meg - Pays about $70. Result: Walks out looking DE-LICOUS!!!

But, admittedly, the last time I got a hair cut, I thought I would try the Rob approach and went to a local salon. In Renfrew. In the Ottawa Valley. THE VALLEY! Anyone see my mistake yet?

Off I went to meet my hairstylist who asked how "you'se guys were doin?" And for exactly $18 I got a haircut. With teasing. I have thick hair. You can imagine.

So I go back to the $70 haircut with Frank who is not gay and not chatty but does offer me coffee as I watch Pamela Wallin get her hair blow dryed....


Rob said...

So world ... it's the "hideous" one here ... don't I feel the love!

em nadim said...

Our hairdresser is gay and chatty and charges us 60$ for the guy, 70$ for the girl. no teasing!