This is not pretty. Nope, its pretty darn ugly as a matter of fact...but you HAVE been warned.
So I FINALLY...after 4 years of searching, begging doctors and estheticians for answers...know what those weird bumps on my face are. Previous diagnosis have included acne (nope) and rosacea (nope). Turns out it is enlarged oil glands on my face. The nice doctor took a magic wand and zapped me and promised that within a few weeks, when the scabs went away ;), I would have smooth skin.
So for fun and for, of course, Karen's amusement we took pictures! Now, the picture doesnt do it justice, much more glaringly obvious in person, but what can you do. Note that the squinty eyes and shiny skin are due to working out. Sexy I know.
I will post pictures of future, hopefully flawless skin, later...
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