Here is Rob on Day One of painting - also known as priming. Folks, it took two coats of primer to look decent! Thank god for patient husbands!
Once again, renovation cat decided to try and his own special way....

Unfortunately, Rob did not win his costume contest at work. So plans are already in the works to kick A$$ next year!
The GUILT! THE GUILT!!! I love animals. Most of them anyways. So I have decided to not eat any meat that isnt raised free range. As you can imagine, hubby is just oh so thrilled.
Authors Note: The exception is chickens. I hate chickens. But they taste good. But they have brains the size of peanuts and they are one of the mammals that rape. I kid you not. Read Temple Grandins book Thinking in Pictures
This past Saturday, while searching for organisational items at our local Ikea, we saw...THE DESK. A tempered glass top with the word 'love' written on it in different languages, with a base of your choice.
We just had to have it! (Although I did warn Rob it would be the height of femininity.) Sunday - after an hour of dismantling the old desk and bringing it to the garage - and another hour of assembling the Ikea items - THE DESK was up and operational and I am now sitting at it to write this blog. Its BEAUTIFUL and makes the room seem much bigger. Bring on the open houses!
I also asked Rob if he had remembered to feed the cats and leave them some extra food for the weekend as I surely hadnt. #(*$&*#^ he said. Damn. Two hungry cats to look forward to when we get home.
Now, for the visit with my grandmother. Gotta love Nana C. 87 years old and she acts as though she is only 67. Its fabulous! Nana kindly agreed to take us in for the weekend and provide some sleeping space. What this translates into is Hubby and I sleeping in seperate bedrooms. Not because we arent allowed to sleep in the same bedroom - we are married so its okay in her eyes. Nope, its due to tiny, itty bitty, ancient beds.
Bedroom #1 is the blue bedroom.
Bed size: Double. (Two people, near or over 6 feet tall + double bed = arguement)
Interesting Feature: Pictures of my grandfather, father and uncle stairing down at you.
Creepy Feature: Bedroom my grandfather used while dying of cancer.
Bedroom #2: Sewing Room.
Bed size: Single, foam mattress, lowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww to the floor.
Interesting Feature: Wall made out of cork board with pictures of the grandchildren when they were much younger and much uglier.
Creepy Feature: Pictures of the grandchildren when they were much younger and much uglier!!!
We arrived Friday night and promptly went to bed. Saturday morning - enjoying the video feature on the camera - I decided to film Nana C in her house coat. As you will see...she was impressed...
Enter the cousin. Naomi is a pretty pretty little little thing. As little as Karen you ask? mmmm. Just about. And she is training to be a big machine mechanic. Mining equipment and the like! She was likewise psyched to go to Wonderland with her 'cool' cousin (her words...not mine....damnit I AM COOL!) We picked her up in Bramalea and headed out. All was well until....Rob saw the walk from the parking spot:
He was NOT happy (though the short asian woman behind him didnt seem to mind). But more on this later...
Naomi was not bothered by the distance though....
Nor was I until I realized the length of the line to get in and just how stinkin' hot it was!
Luckily we found the water rides where I discoverd just how much taller I was than Naomi (and seemingly wider, hmmmmmm)....
...and some more roller coasters....
We then decided to head to Splashworks ( to cool off. Thus we had to head to the car and get our swim suits. Ummm. But we couldnt remember where said car was. Insert Rob being cranky here. Insert Rob feeling sick here. Insert Rob throwing up here. He he he. Okay the last part didnt happen but it almost did!!
After a long sunburnt day in Wonderland we headed to my Aunt's house for dinner and chit chat...until 2 in the morning. Boy was spritely 87 year old Nana C p*ssed off when we got home!
Flash day.
Out of the kindness of our hearts - we offered to pick up a three month old beagle puppy for a friend's Aunt. His name is Ziggy and he was a squishy, gooshy, loving cuddle bear of a puppy. And Rob said I couldnt keep him. For the sheer joy of is Ziggy.
Oh, and the cats still arent speaking to me...