I have watched Oprah since I was a pre-teen. That is a long time - 20 years or so! And the woman has been known to influence me in that time. Though I never went on a liquid diet, I have been known to buy the books she recommends. Pillars of the Earth anyone?
Well, yesterday she did it again. I watched her show titled How We Treat the Animals We Eat. Things I learned....
- Pigs are raised their entire lives in cages where they cant turn around. Only shuffle back and forth, lay down, and stand.
- Cows for veal are raised with numerous health problems including anemia to ensure the meat is tender.
The GUILT! THE GUILT!!! I love animals. Most of them anyways. So I have decided to not eat any meat that isnt raised free range. As you can imagine, hubby is just oh so thrilled.
Authors Note: The exception is chickens. I hate chickens. But they taste good. But they have brains the size of peanuts and they are one of the mammals that rape. I kid you not. Read Temple Grandins book Thinking in Pictures
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