Sunday, August 17, 2008

Eye Sore of Our Home: Edition One: The Desk

Im taking ... uh.....a page? .....from Karen's blog and will be showing Rob and my attempts at home improvement. Its called - selling the house.
Eye Sore #1 of our home - the desk. Rob and I decided to buy a new desk when I quit the PC (YAHOOO BITE ME BITE ME BITE ME) and went to working from home on a contract basis. With two computers and oodles of files - we just needed more space.

Not being overwhelmed with cash - we toodled off to the AECL annual garage sale and bought a hideous but big desk for $20 and set it up in my new home office. As you can see was rather hideous...

This past Saturday, while searching for organisational items at our local Ikea, we saw...THE DESK. A tempered glass top with the word 'love' written on it in different languages, with a base of your choice.

We just had to have it! (Although I did warn Rob it would be the height of femininity.) Sunday - after an hour of dismantling the old desk and bringing it to the garage - and another hour of assembling the Ikea items - THE DESK was up and operational and I am now sitting at it to write this blog. Its BEAUTIFUL and makes the room seem much bigger. Bring on the open houses!

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