1. Jessica is to plan all of my future vacations: Jess chose the Grand Princess Riviera and my god it is a beautiful resort. Modern, clean rooms, good food and amazingly lovely grounds. And let us not forget the fantastic service!! Yep. Jessis officially promoted from best friend to best travel agent.
2. I am a news junky: I have been here three days with no newspaper or CNN. Out of desperation, I have begun to watch Fox news where I have learned the words for what will cause the world to end (at least according to Bill O'Reilly) - Barack Obama.
3. I am still a mosquito magnet: I have as of yet to actually SEE a mosquito, but they sure do find me! My legs are positively a feast, a buffet of blood for the little buggers. Stage One was noticing the red splotches on my legs. Stage two is when they swell and look like pimples. Now we are into the scratching stage which should lead shortly into scabbing over. Sexy.
4. All inclusives are made for more than 2 people: We are here with two other couples. Totally the way to go I say! Rob and I tend to run out of conversation by tday two and so we end up resorting to arguing over card game rules. Six people works much better - much more to talk about.l
5. I like this place: As I sit here in the sun drinking a yummy Mango daquiri - me thinks I want to come back next year. Who is in???
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