It comes as no surprise that I am at my highest weight for a while. Not good. That and I am continually inspired by the amazing weight loss success of my friends - 25 pounds, 15 pounds and another 25 pounds amongst three wonderful ladies. And let us not forget all those friends who are losing baby weight!
Im pretty physically active and have been making a point of working out for health reasons for a long time. That does not mean, however, that I have been any good at stopping the food from launching out of the cupboard and fridge and into my gaping mouth.
In order to kick start my efforts in 2009 I bought a treadmill and started to monitor what I eat again. First week's weight loss - 3 pounds. Im hoping for two pounds this week which would take me to 5 pounds. Half way to my first goal.
Reward for my first goal: Ummmm, still working on that one.
Things that seemed to work for me this past week:
1. Eating every two to three hours.
2. This awesome protein splash drink
3. Working out five days a week.
4. Stopping eating after dinner.
Best musical choices for running this week:
For getting into a groove and cruising along: Las Ketchup Song!
For inspiration: Pocket Full of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield. I don't know why.
I will try and keep this up and use the blog as my own personal accountability mechanism. Then, one day, I can look a little more like this again...(sure I am VERY 1990s and young looking - but I was also two sizes smaller!!)