So dermatologist man gave me a prescription (ear drops...but apparently they work) and said find something else to do instead of attacking your nails. Rigggggggghhhhhhhhhhhht.
I considered twirling my hair - but realized that I would look very stupid in any professional context. Considered chewing on the inside of my mouth, then realized this could lead to mouth infections. Considered taking my 3 year old nieces lead and pinching the skin on the back of my hand - but she is 3 so maybe not. Also considered chewing gum....but that is just rude! So I have decided to take a deep breath and stop everytime I feel the urge to start.
Day one is gone and it was hard. But I did it. They say it takes 30 days of doing something before it becomes a only 29 days to go.
Now Im going to put piglet here...just 'cause he is cute. Not because he has anything to do with nails..:)