It is that time of year again - the annual Ottawa Running Weekend http://www.ncm.ca/index.php/en/home. In an effort to continue my goal of becoming a running god - or at least be able to run without wishing for death - I ran the 10 km race with my dear long legged friend Rhonda. In order to get a glimpse into this great atheletes mind (AHAHAHAHAHA) I have decided to summarize the experience.
Pre Race Line Up: It wouldnt be right if we were on time. So we werent. With much panic, we tried to get through the thousands upon thousands of runners to get to the 1hr plus section.
The Race Begins!: Um. Sort of. The gun is shot and all the elite runners start. Due to us being far back in the "fat and decrepit" group it took us a good ten minutes to actually cross the start line.
Km 1: The first kilometre went well. Lots of cheering folks including my hubby, my sister and two nieces.
KM 2: Running pace was good. We were averaging 5-7 minutes per kilometre which, for me, is pretty darn EXCELLENT!
Km 3: Saw our first victim of the "if I run really really fast it wont hurt as much" mentality. Poor girl was on the side of the road being attended to by EMTs. Also saw the first victim of the "if I wear a cute outfit I will run better" mentality. She wore running skorts. Chafed legs ensued. Wasnt pretty.
Km 4: Feeling good, feeling strong.
Km 5: Water station! Excellent! And oh look, there are some folks handing out energy jell on a stick. Got some of that...but oh my it didnt taste very good. Compensated by drinking two cups of water. At which point I faced my enemy....the hill. Pant pant pant curse curse curse curse and TA DA! Finished the hill and the 5 km section at about 40 minutes. A new record for me!
Km 6: Well that was good. Can I go home now? FIVEMOREKILOMETRESWHATWASIHINKINGWASIONDRUGS?!?!?!?!

Km 7: Rhonda sprinted off to find a port-o-johnny. At which point I realized two important things. One, if there is sun in my eyes I run slower. Two, if Rhonda isnt around, I walk.
Km 7.5: Saw another 'energy jell' stop. Damnit, I ate vaseline. Explains the questionable taste.
Km 8: I cant dooooooooooooo thissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. No yes I can, just think of the dessert I can have afterwards. Think of Jann Arden, she was chunky and ran. Right, left, right, left, right left....
Km 9: Seriously...did they move the finish line 'cause I dont think this is 10 km. No I think this is more like 15 and this is a big joke on all us keeners.
750 metres to go: Walking is good. Im okay with walking.
500 metres to go: Maybe I should run. Charlotte will be watching my big finish and I dont want her to see me giving up;.
1 metre to go: Screw it ... I am going to show Rhonda. Im gonna sprint past her at the end...
Finish Line: Na na na boo boo I won!
Now for the big question - my time. I have no idea. Will keep you posted though!
Oh, and remind me next year not to engage in such stupid activities.