I received a call yesterday from a co-worker asking if "everything was okay" as I had been "awfully quiet lately." After responding that "everything was fine" I realized that I HAD been awfully quiet lately. This wasnt due to an unusually heavy work load or any deep crisis. No. My epiphany was that I periodically had these quiet stages - lasting a few days in length - where I tend to clam up, communicate little with those around me and, one could say, hibernate.
This led me to further self examination. Was I depressed and just didnt realize it? Was it a surge of work ethic (ha ha!). I realized that every couple of months, and most notably after some kind of change, I go through these stages where I slow down, become more quiet, and just absorb all that has happened in life. Who am I (MEC!), where am I (not just in Renfrew!) and where am I going (to work? the gym? Toronto?).
I think I am emerging out of my quiet contemplative days now. Oprah would be proud.